Yu Suzuki
Yū Suzuki was born June 10, 1958 in Japan. He is a video game creator.
After he had a diploma in electronics at the University of Okayama, Yū Suzuki joined Sega in 1983 as a programmer and producer.
He is a precursor in several video games types such as Space Harrier, Hang-On, Out Run, After Burner, Virtua Fighter and Shenmue.
In 2003, Yū Suzuki leaves the Sega-AM2 studio and build his own company: Digitalrex.
The Shenmue saga is his biggest and ambitious project, considerated as unfinished until now.
15th June, 2015, in association with Shibuya Productions, Yu Suzuki announces a kickstarter campaign for the Shenmue video game sequel: Shenmue III !
Registration for the event
Registrations for MAGIC 2023 are finished.Editorial
Cédric BiscayMAGIC is finally back on February 25 and 26, 2023 after 3 years of absence caused by the global Covid 19 pandemic.