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Alain Damasio

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Born in 1969 in Lyon, Alain Damasio is a committed writer, convinced that science-fiction can say and change the world. He reached a considerable critical and popular success with his novel  “La Horde du Contrevent” (The Horde of the Counterwind),  Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire 2006, and as a scriptwriter too for the AAA game “Remember Me” and for the ‘Phonophore’ projects, an radiophonic expansion of his future novel “The Stealthies”.

Alain co-founded the videogames company “DONTNOD”and the art sound studio “Tarabust”. President of a CNC Commission since 2013, he received a digital creation Award from the SACD (French Society of Dramatic Authors and Composers) in 2014. He is now working on a transmedia universe called “Fusion” where memories can be coded in water molecules, so stay tuned for new releases !

 At just 26, Alain published ‘La Zone du Dehors’ (The Outside Zone), a novel about political anticipation and social oppression  (La Volte, Gallimard), which in 2007 won the European Utopiales award. His second book, ‘La Horde du Contrevent’, which achieved critical and public success with over 120,000 copies sold, won the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire. It even appeared in several anthologies as one of the best ten novels of contemporary French Sci-Fi.

In 2012 Alain released his first collection of short-stories, ‘Aucun souvenir assez solide’ (No memories tough enough). 2013 was marked by a the global release of the AAA video game ‘ Remember Me’. Alain was the narrative director of the universe; he was also , alongside his friend Stéphane Beauverger, a scriptwriter. The game sold more than 2.1 million copies.  It’s original and quality script was met with raving critic reviews and in December 2013, received the Best Screenplay Award at the Paris Game Show .

Creator of incredible new universes and lecturer for both TEDxParis and Sorbonne, Alain has been working on his current novel, The Stealthies, for the past four years.  The novel explore sound and visual channels, within the framework of the ambitious Phonophore project, presenting forty sonic portraits, scenes and soundscapes. Through this work, Alain won the Innovative Projects Exchange Orange-Beaumarchais competition and received the SACD Prize for digital creations in 2014.

This year, he is initiating  and developing, with a team of artists, a very promising trans-media universe called Fusion, where memories lay in water molecules. This universe will be represented in a upcoming movie, manga, Tv series and short stories.

Lastly, he is also the Chairman of the Commission of CNC “New Production Technologies” that delivers subsidies to international movies and documentaries.


REFERENCES (in La Volte and Folio Sci-Fi)

La Horde du Contrevent, La Volte, 2004 (Folio SF 2007, paperback edition)

La Zone du Dehors, La Volte 2007 (Folio SF 2009, paperback edition)

Aucun souvenir assez solide, a collection of short stories, La Volte 2012 (Folio SF 2014,  paperback edition)


Registration for the event

MAGIC#3 will happen on February 18th 2017 in the Grimaldi Forum Monaco! Registrations are closed!

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Cédric Biscay
Cédric Biscay
It is a great honour for Shibuya Productions to announce the third Edition of Monaco Anime Game International Conferences (MAGIC) taking place next 18h February in Monaco’s Grimaldi Forum. Being myself a fan of mangas, video games, animation and comics, I just wanted to share those passions with people who love those worlds by bringing them some of the greatest artists from around the world. Read more...